Soil time!

Periodical workshops on soil health + art


The soil time! program consists of free public bilingual workshops on soil health topics to help heal our connection to the soil. In these workshops, we provide educational and art-related activities that help participants identify the importance of soil health as a source of food, carbon sequestration, and a strategy for building resilient and sustainable communities.

Soil is life! We want our children to be able to play safely in our own backyards. We want to be able to grow our own food.

Soil time! Workshop 4. Soil in Crisis: Cultivating Hope For Our Future

Soil time! Workshop 4. Soil in Crisis: Cultivating Hope For Our Future

How can soil survive pollution, nutrient depletion, and urban sprawl? Get up close with native plants healing the soil underground, learn how communities fight urban sprawl that destroys neighborhoods and the soil they rely on, and discover new ways of landscaping that nurture soil and the life it grows.

Materials provided. Free. Space is limited, RSVP today.

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Soil time! Workshop 1. Underground Critters: The Magical Life of Soil

Soil time! Workshop 1. Underground Critters: The Magical Life of Soil

What thrives beneath our feet? Join artists and scientists to meet your subterranean neighbors and get to know the thriving community of microbes, mushrooms, mammals and more that live underground. Get inspired by talks with scientists and artists to create your living seed sculptures that celebrate the magical life of soil!

Materials provided. Free, space is limited. RSVP today.

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